
Tuesday 12 October 2021

How to start yours journey towards self perfection ?

When it comes to love gone wrong, we need to give ourselves a break. We need to give ourselves the permission to fail, even to do so spectacularly. We are trained to think that only love that lasts is worthy. I strongly disagree. 

I think that some of our most far-reaching love affairs are those that fail. With the possible exception of abusive relationships, every love gives us something, and sometimes it's the broken affairs that give us the most. 

Sometimes our biggest breakdowns lead to our biggest breakthroughs. In this sense, there are few mistakes in love—no missteps, but merely fresh opportunities for growth and self-development.

You must be tremendously brave, tremendously audacious, to throw yourself into the eye of the hurricane. You must have incredible faith in your ability to mend a broken heart to risk falling into the arms of a lover whose motivations you might never fully understand. 

When it comes to failures of love, it's easy to assume that it's "the weak" who get scorched, because "the strong" know how to protect themselves. 

But I suspect that frequently the reverse is the case, that it's often the strong who get positively pummeled by love—because they are the ones willing to take the risk of getting hurt in the first place. Love failures are not life failures.

In a deep sense, passion is meant for the resilient—for those who know that they'll find their way back onto solid ground no matter how badly they fall. It's meant for those who are confident that love's disillusionment won't ravage them beyond repair. 

And it's meant for those who recognize that sometimes a massive love followed by a massive failure is more glorious than a timidly lived success. 

It's easy to think that when love fails, it's because we did something wrong—it's easy to blame ourselves for not having followed Rule X, or for having done A when we should have done B. 

Many of us spend the aftermath of romance berating ourselves over the mistakes we think we made. 

But it may well be that love often fails for the simple reason that it's inherently fickle and capricious. Love is not made for the faint-hear ted, or those who hesitate on the sidelines. image taken

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