
Tuesday 12 October 2021

How to grow passion of reading English books and novels ?

I have read many English novel and Dramas and poetry of the England writer. My reading style is quite different as I just ponder myself among the characters of the book and no doubt I have surely grasped the many historical books in my life and now I can just interpret the different age notion so quickly and easily and for me this is quite awesome because today we see that people have less inclination to move towards the library and instead of going to library one can surely open the tablet and mobile in order to read the history of the world. 

I can still recall that the last book I ever studied in my life was none other than the Jharna an Urdu novel and in English we can call it the stream. This book is about the true adventure of the people who just have got the passion to go round the world and I can remember that when I was studying this book so for the whole two or three weeks I was under the reflection of this book. 

Because the story is written so beautifully in this book. The characters and events are well oriented by the writer because we can see the true picture of the human nature and their dealing with each other while living in this materialistic life. 

The atmosphere that is being created by the writer in this book is really magical and if you will ever get a chance to read about this book then you will really feel that you are the part of this novel and I just remembered that it took me four days to finish reading this book. 

But the whole of the story is just mind blowing and fantastic one. Since after reading this book I never got a time to read another novel by still today I am greatly charmed by the beauty of this novel. And whenever I remembered the story I can just get amazed in my life.

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