
Tuesday 12 October 2021

How to Live your Life as you Like, love as much as you can ?

And we got to hold our first meeting in our Sanctuary this week, wanted to make sure everything sounded good before open house next week Hey, today is It’s a Hug Day and I just hugged YOU in my thoughts. Good Morning, and I hear it is supposed to be raining today, but I haven’t even looked out. I got up at 3:00 and just haven’t done anything but open the back door and let the babies out, didn't check for any rain. 

But that is okay, it is not snow or ice, and it is warm. Have a Very Blessed Day. Live your Life as you Like, LOVE as much as you can, and make this World a Better Place with your smile. I wish you All of God's Blessings! I Hope your Day is Great! Please Remember that GOD Loves You Very Much! Blessings to you, we make a living by what we get; but we make a life by what we give. 

Have a beautiful and blessed day. Because of them I never miss a beautiful dawn. This morning I heard the doves cooing from their perch somewhere among the branches of the pines. A reminder of God's mercy. Winter is passing and spring is nipping at its heels. Again, Good morning! Have a wonderful day. My weekend was awesome. It was very busy and I didn't get to do everything I really wanted to do. 

But I did get some done. And it was a good one. I am thankful for our beautiful four babies, who calls me out of bed each morning. Hope you felt the squeeze! Pass it on, and put your smile on your face and share it along with the love in your heart. Blessings to you today, and have a great day. Stay dry and stay happy.

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