
Tuesday 12 October 2021

How to choose best way between goodness and badness in life ?

It is always in our own hands that which way of the life we choose because if we choose the short cut then that would be not good because many time both the ways of goodness and badness seems to us the same but we always have the good power of mind to decide about the right way of life. 

In the end I would like to say that we must be so firm in every of our life decision and in this way we can really get the success in this life. No doubt there would be many people who will not even support us but if we know the right of our life then we would never allow anybody to make the decision of our own life.

Life is like a long road every person has to walk along in order to reach to a certain destination. Everyone of us take the same road in principle unless we choose to loose our ways and take the side streets. What defers between this journey of us is the way we travel on this road. Imagine a busy road,some are walking,others are running,some travel with their bicycle, others ride in their cars,for some on carts, others on horse back,few on their camel,some on caravans,a handful by donkey. 

Each of us travel in our own different paces slow,fast,medium speed but we arrive on the same destination which is the finish line in which we enjoy the second life. Like any other travelers we also experiences many and various difficulties along our way. 

Sometimes we can even think of giving up but maybe somebody came to help us get up and continue the journey. Along our ways we also meet different people,some became our friends but some just an acquaintance. 

Others could hurt us along the way as they pass by and some is so good and give us a lift. We maybe challenge along the way,sometimes we feel I'll,in a few circumstances we fall out of fatigue but we have to continue because this is life,and every one else experiences the same thing.

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