
Thursday 26 January 2023

how to know craze of people about Valentine's day 2023 l Valentine's day gift 2023 l How people celebrate Valentine's day 2023 l what are things we must never do on Valentine's day 2023 l How to organize Valentine's day party 2023

Today we are going to talk about world most famous people's life day. Most of the people worldwide wait for every years about Valentine's day and party. Well some accept this day and some do not accept this day. 

Actually every day should be a Valentine's day 2023. Because this is day of love and one must spread this love in the whole world. Because love is the most supreme thing which remain in this world. Love demand great sacrifice and love is always so high. Overall this day is very much famous in all over the world. People also like Valentine's day  2023 poetry messages.

How young people see Valentine's day 2023

Young men and young women really celebrate Valentine's day 2023 with good spirit. Because it is desire of every man and woman to get someone in life who must have soft corner of emotions and deep sense of loving someone for whole of the life. 

Most people says that love is not good thing but in my view love is greatest to everything. Infact love is that thing which make us good and love teach us towards purity and purgative belief. True love finding is the biggest blessing of God. Mostly young boys and girls share love message and love images and love gift to their loved ones. For sake of love nobody see the price of Valentine's day gifts. 

As the month of February 2023 start people become more and more crazy an hustle to buy more and more Valentine's day gifts 2023 and also people start arranging Valentine's day preparation 2023. Everybody want to do the best of best for their loved ones. On Valentine's day 2023 age is not matter for celebration of this day. 

It is observed that mature people are well awared about Valentine's day gifts 2023 and about celebration of Valentine's day 2023. They try to buy clothes for Valentine's day 2023 and clothes for Valentine's day party 2023 and clothes for Valentine's day gifts 2023. 

It is observed that during the time of Valentine's day each years business grow more rapidly and record business is done Valentine's day in USA, UK and in Asian Countries like Pakistan India and China and many others countries etc. 

It is said that due to some religion belief  Valentine's days 2023 is largely celebrated in India because of love. Because Indian do believe in Love (prame patar) Their God Krishn Kannya is the biggest hero in Indian history who did big love with Radha ( Krishna's lovers)

Same love story we can find in English Literature about the great love of Romeo and Juliet.

In Asian countries we may also heard the tales of great lovers who even lose their life for sake of love. Most famous love stories are about the HEER RANJHA, SASSI PUNNO, MIRZA SAHIBA  FARHAD SHEEREN and SONI MAHIWAL. 

It is true fact that love can never dies it remain living in somehow on this earth. People may pass away but the greatest love of people can never wither away from thia world. 

In the end of this article I would just request you if you are reading my this article that always spread true love. We should never play with others people feelings ever. Respect the person who loved you and always take care of the people who love and care for you. We should never hurt anybody for any cause. We must be ready to forgive others at any cost. 

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Tuesday 24 January 2023

How to learn pakistan's strong family system and how people live in family system ?

Strong Pakistani Family System

In this article we will discuss the deep study about the life of pakistani peoples. The beauty of Pakistan atrong family system lie in unity. In the rural and in the urban people always respect the greatest family memeber which can be a father or mother or a uncle or an aunt.

Anyone who is in relationship bigger than all in the family is always reapectable and youngers always call him/her in every family matter. Actually this is beauty of parents who teach these good lesson to their children. Parents always want to see all their children together in order to share their happiness and sorrows together.

Life of pakistani people

Most people lives in rural areas as well as in urban areas. Both people are very hard working. Pakistani people always believe in hard working tasks. Villages are steongly attached to each others in giving and in taking.
Most villages have marriages together. So the marriages of their children also bind them together in more loving and good relationship.

How people of Pakistan live in strong family system? 

If there is one man and woman living with their eight children in the same house they will always under control to their parents. With unity And love they may grow.

Each house head will try to provide all the basic facilities of life not only to her wife but also the all children. Most people in rural areas belong to lands and they do farmer work. But their wives also support their husband in their fields work.

What bind together each family members together ?

The love and care for each other's always bind the people of Pakistan together in strong relationship. If one house is crying whole village will come to ask the problem and if there is happiness in one house the whole village will cheer with that house. There is always lot of beauty in Pakistani people's life.

Saturday 21 January 2023

How to make trusted money online by doing micro tasks : work from home and earn passive income monthly : learn today all strategies with adihowto

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If you  are looking for making money online then you are at the best place. Today I am going to tell you most authentic and trusted website. Here you can just earn money by doing micro tasks.  I will not make much writing simply want to tell all the people of world that if you are just tired about making money online then today you must make registration on the website I am telling you in this content. You can start work either by joining on the button Register Now Free button which you can see below every images I am sharing in this article. 

There are variety of tasks available on this website. If you have mobile and internet and you know English then this is best website for you to make money online. This is just very good website.  Dont waste more work online just register now today on the link below to start making money online by doing micro tasks.

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How to easily decrease extra fat from body within one week ?

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How to easily decrease extra fat from body within one week ?

There are many country worldwide where fat is big issue for both common and rich people. Everyone want to get rid from extra fat from body. In this article we will talk how to start such a exercise which will surely minimize youra body extra fat within few days. 

Best ways to be fit.

If you want to be fit just start diet at once and take more juice and one should avoid taking enough chicken and meat and also avoid eggs because such diet will increase yours fat.

Best ways to remain fit always.

Health fitness and tips.

Never take water after eating any food. There must be little pause of drinking water after taking any food.  Always avoid fast food. Try to eat home cook food. Do regular jogging and running. One must take rapid breath in the morning fresh air.

Friday 13 January 2023

how to make a free blog on blogger ?

How to make a free blog on blogger

Are you searching to make a free blog on blogger ? If yes then you are at the right webpage.

In this post you will learn how simple way and easy way you make money through blogging. The bloggers are making big money every month.

Follow these step to make a free blog 

First of all go to then sign up with yours Gmail account. You will see tab of New blog as shown in the picture below click on it and then follow the next step.

This is most important step you must have to choose unique name for yours blog. There must be written good description about blog later in setting. After putting youra name select the next step.

An example is shown in below pictures .

That it now you are ready to post youra wonderful ideas on daily bases in yours this blog.

Sunday 24 October 2021

How to plan a diet for weak people ?


Health is just big wealth and no one can ever deny its importance. Our health get down just because we forget to take the plan diet in our routine life. A person who is taking proper diet in his meal can remain young for one hundred years old. Human body is designed properly and every part of human body is demanding very special diet. 

From our head to feet we need to eat different types of food and vegetables including meat etc. If we care only one part of our body then other thing might be damaged. So to grow our body equally we just to need a proper diet mixture to build our weak health to strong. 

How to manage our diet to remove weakness  ?

We have to make a diet plan for every week. One day should be fixed for meat and vegetables must be added in lunch. we also have to take the pulse in evening. One egg in diet daily can fulfill all our deficiency. 

We must have to get uses of juice of fresh and seasonal fruits. Salad of onion must be in our meal but only in day time. We must have to avoid fast food and cold drink. 

Eating bread with jam daily and taking one glass of milk is really gives you strong immunity. We can also take some iron tablets beside our meal. 

Best diet for women and weak children

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Thursday 14 October 2021

How to grow circle of trustworthy relationship of friend and family ?

The beauty of the human relationship can never be ignored because they are the partial aspect of the human life and in every age we have study the relationship of the people. Whether we talk about the relationship of anything we find the great beauty in these relationship of teacher and students lover and beloved doctor and patient etc.

It is said by the elders that if you having any distortion in yours relationship then you both have to try to get back that person to once you loved or he or she loved.

Because I have observed that we mostly think that the new relationship that we would make may be run more smoothly but it is not like that because we should understand the beauty of every relationship and whatever we have we must have to care for that.

This is what I would advise others to do and I think when you are in difficult situations you have to think that if it were your friend in a similar situation what would you tell them to do?
No one can ever ignore the importance of these two relationship of friends and family because without the absence of these two one can never lead happy life. Whether we talk about the friends or family we can come to know their great impact on one person life because many time if we have good atmosphere at home and we have good family back ground then we really can keep on winning in this life but if we have not peaceful family who may not be able to understand us fully then we really can expect to lead the happy life. 

The people are really lucky who got so nice family who are even able to understand our silence and all the needs that we have in our life. Because family really is the main source of the real happiness for us. It is always in hands that how we establish our trust in our family because many time when the youngster start breaking their trust in their family then one may face so many troubles in life. 

Beside the family the real friends are our true catharsis because we can really share all our troubles with them but here I would like to say that while choosing the friends one must have to be so much careful because sometime first arrow may pierce our heart from our friends too. I would suggest that first of all we should frankly share everything with our family and if we are little hesitant in doing this then we can share all our plans with the good friends who would surely give us the good advice. 

But we should never totally depend on the saying of our friends only we can also use our own mind and get to know the solution about the different issues in our life. And if we are not going to share anything with our family and friends then we are really going to caught by some complicated situation in life and there we will feel only alone so always handle the situation in their beginning whether it is really so late and then by only repenting we would not be able to do anything.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

How to grow distance relationship with loyalty ?

The topic I am going to talk about is very important in today world because today we can see that more and more people are interested in making the relationship online. Well mostly people do prefer that the person they are going to get married must be located in their nearby countries so that they may get easily access to them but one can never forget the fact that marriages really arranged in heaven and no one knows who will marry to whom. 

Well things always start happening on their right time because it is human instinct that we are always so much restless and we can not wait for the things to happen but we should also keep this sentence in our minds that the good things come to those who really have the patience in life. 

Well some people do keep their own thinking and they do not believe in the distance because they have the great confidence and they are ready to travel any distance in the life because if we are going to get the desiring person of our life in the other corner of this world then those people would not make any shy and they will not say that they can not go there so that is why they have to change the life track of themselves. 

But some weak people may do such things because they think that it is better for them to access the person who is around them. But some people like me can not make the compromise with the above notion. As I believe that if my spouse is in the other planet even so I will flight to that other planet too. 

So I am ready to face any challenge of this life but I am not one of those people who easily get tired from the troubles and difficulty of this world. It is said that nothing venture nothing have mean to say that if we have the true spirit of doing something then nothing can stop us to get the life desire in this life. Well keep on moving towards yours target to get the life success.above image link

How to remove scratch from yours truck ?

Well this is true thing that I want to share here that last year when I was driving a truck on rent and it was my part time job. So the company which gave me truck to drive was newly painted truck but While I was loading the milk cans on it so some naught children scratched on the front mirror of my truck and I was really not aware and when I completed my loading and sit on driver seat so while looking at the front mirror I was really got so much angry because there were many scratched and I was specially told while taking the responsibility of truck that I must have to take care of this. 

So I was thinking that how remove these scratched from the front mirror of my truck. But then on asking help to one of m friend he told me about the very product that really removed any kind of scratched and now I am always very much careful because there could be some people to whom may not understand the worth of yours costly things and no one can else understand the worth of yours things so it is my open advice for you to take care of yours things rather than to face the big loss in life. 

I can understand when the things go against our will then we really got so much angry but instead of getting angry over the various things in this life we should always make our self busy in searching the proper solution of the things because in this way we can surely deal the things so goodly. 

As it is famous maxim that there is no use of cry over the split milk so it is always better for us to handle the situations in the beginning and the care is the more and more reliable thing that we can do always in our life to tackle the complicated situations.

Tuesday 12 October 2021

How to serve mankind by keeping humanity first ?

I am now grown up and have touch to thirty six years old but during the time i keep on thinking that why is there no equality among the people of the world and why some people really feel proud of being their dominant country. 

Some people think that they are white so they are more genius and some people who are black they think differently Well i understand that different people of the world have the different culture and rituals and different custom but my first thought is all about having the equality of the humanity on the same standard because all the people of the world bases is surely from the first man and woman. 

Thats why after growing up in this life I have grown up the notion that why we can measure the people with the same standard and why we can not come out from the color caste and creed. Today the people of the world are just caught among the different denomination and one denomination feel superior to others and no doubt they can be but the humanity have no such measurement through which they can announce that something is more better than that. 

I know many may disagree with my this first thought but in simple wording I want to tell that I just want the success of the humanity where the no color caste and creed combination be interference. Because I believe that first of all we are human and then after that we are christian Muslims Jewish and all the other believer in this world. 

Because when we will set the humanity first then we will see the greatest success in this lovely world but if we cant bring the humanity first then we really can never imagine to make the success of the people collectively. If you do like my this notion then you must have to share in the following comment box because I just want to learn more and more about my first thought. photo credit

How to add beautiful color in life ?

The life is very beautiful and it is become more and more beautiful when we add the color of happiness in this and this is not so much tough as we may consider about this. Because we have every moment always in our hands and we can always double the happiness of our life when we are positive and when we have more and more spirit of living the life. 

Many time we might got caught in the trouble of the life but the good and positive people never stop in the life and they always keep on moving with the big heart and this is the real beauty of the life. The life really teaches us big lesson and no doubt we may make many mistakes in the life but we are lucky when we understand the meaning of the life so early before getting late in this life because if some is taught at the right time then one may surely hope to live the happy life. 

The life is not only the name of easiness because when we are surrounded by the troubles then we really become good and then we really understand the real meaning of the life. I would like to add here my own experience that for the numbers of years I was leading a life of disappointment and dejection but I never give up because the people are great who really never give up and who keep on making their struggle in this life. 

Because we only can get the things that we desired in the life when we are ready to fight our war and if we are coward person then we can just hope to things happen but the things would never happen itself we must have to make our contribute and many people they think that let the things happen but they really forget that things are always under the human feet and it is they themselves who can either make their good future or bad. Life is amazing learn full story

So my dear friends in this life never give up just keep on making yours struggle in this life and one day you will be stand among the conquer and then you can feel the real proud of yours life.image taken