
Thursday 14 October 2021

How to grow circle of trustworthy relationship of friend and family ?

The beauty of the human relationship can never be ignored because they are the partial aspect of the human life and in every age we have study the relationship of the people. Whether we talk about the relationship of anything we find the great beauty in these relationship of teacher and students lover and beloved doctor and patient etc.

It is said by the elders that if you having any distortion in yours relationship then you both have to try to get back that person to once you loved or he or she loved.

Because I have observed that we mostly think that the new relationship that we would make may be run more smoothly but it is not like that because we should understand the beauty of every relationship and whatever we have we must have to care for that.

This is what I would advise others to do and I think when you are in difficult situations you have to think that if it were your friend in a similar situation what would you tell them to do?
No one can ever ignore the importance of these two relationship of friends and family because without the absence of these two one can never lead happy life. Whether we talk about the friends or family we can come to know their great impact on one person life because many time if we have good atmosphere at home and we have good family back ground then we really can keep on winning in this life but if we have not peaceful family who may not be able to understand us fully then we really can expect to lead the happy life. 

The people are really lucky who got so nice family who are even able to understand our silence and all the needs that we have in our life. Because family really is the main source of the real happiness for us. It is always in hands that how we establish our trust in our family because many time when the youngster start breaking their trust in their family then one may face so many troubles in life. 

Beside the family the real friends are our true catharsis because we can really share all our troubles with them but here I would like to say that while choosing the friends one must have to be so much careful because sometime first arrow may pierce our heart from our friends too. I would suggest that first of all we should frankly share everything with our family and if we are little hesitant in doing this then we can share all our plans with the good friends who would surely give us the good advice. 

But we should never totally depend on the saying of our friends only we can also use our own mind and get to know the solution about the different issues in our life. And if we are not going to share anything with our family and friends then we are really going to caught by some complicated situation in life and there we will feel only alone so always handle the situation in their beginning whether it is really so late and then by only repenting we would not be able to do anything.

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