
Tuesday 12 October 2021

How to support and character building among students ?

If we make the survey about this world so we will find that there are fifty percent people you will find who will be looking worried and sad and may be dejected and depressed also in their life. 

If you asked them that why they are sad and unhappy so you will find the reason that because of the great expectation from the life or may be for the reason of being alone or may be reason of not getting the life desire. 

It is human nature that first we keep on getting worry for the things that we want to get and when we get those things we see that we were unable to maintain the health of us and then we start worrying about the different disease those caught us in our ignorance. 

So though this little piece of writing I am trying to share my view that what could be sure ways that can really give us chance in this life to stay happy in our life. 

No doubt eating well and eating healthy food give us good health but beside this we also have to remain happy in our life because when we human are constant worried about anything then the human growth stop neither our body can produce the more blood nor we can shine our skin we will look dull and like dead in life.

People would be able to easily understand the situation we are going through. So the best ways are to remain happy is that first of all we should remain busy us among the people and we should never miss the chance of celebration and the best way to remain happy our self is the sure works of charity that we have to make more and more in this life. 

Because when we live for the others then we surely remain happy because all those who work for the betterment of the humanity they can never be remain sad and worried in their life because after making the goodness for others we really get some kind of encouragement in our life. 

Beside this we can arrange the recreation program with the children and it is said that when we are engage ourselves in some work then we remain happy and nothing sadness can ever come to us because the though of helping and working for the betterment of the humanity will always lead us towards making ourselves happy and good. The more and more we stay happy the more we can enjoy the good health and no disease would ever touch us.

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