
Tuesday 5 October 2021

How to learn the women psychology and their fears ?

I was thinking today that I must write about this as I personally believe that the women are more and more fearful rather than the men because the things that really can make fearful to any women are the frog, cockroach and lizard. 

But men they are not much afraid of such things and mostly when we see that if any of the above mention thing we have to face live in our room then we would surely give the loud shriek and may be will surely leave the room and that fear of presence such things in our room make us fearful for many days but men are quite different and they have no fear from such things. 

I want to know that how many people would stand with this vote that girls and women are less brave rather than boys and men? Well as we know today age women are really competing men in every sphere of life but yet as a whole if we will make the survey so we will find that men are more brave than the women in every aspect of this life. 

Whatever you think about this view you must have to share yours idea in the comment below because I am making the poll about this of my question that many are there who are agree with my notion and how many are there who are disagree with me in this concern.

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