
Monday 11 October 2021

How to learn great humans values in life ?

One day i was thinking that how and why the whole humanity can live happily so a notion came into my mind that if all the people of the world just keep on sharing the good moral values in the society then we can just be happy because many time we go through the many situation in our life but most of us just remain silent that we should be quite rather than to fall into any kind of fight because this is something very important for us that we must keep in mind that we can never bring the change in this life by force but only with love and true preaching of the moral values.

When every man of the society is just telling the good moral values then every man will think and try to avoid the such things that become the cause and troubles for others so we should behave well in front of others. When we human just start doing some work so after a some time we feel that we must stop this work because no one is listening the notion we are preaching that is why we should never get tired from the things we face and feel while living in the society because the efforts that will make in this life will surely bring the peace and prosperity so we should never stop.

This is the third golden rule of life that always gives us the peace of mind and the great happiness. Because there are many people who just do not follow this and that is why they always remain upset and worried in their life. I learn this rule after studying the bible and then I apply this in my personal life. This rule to have the love able heart for the humanity mean for the other people who either belongs to you or not. 

If we would keep love in our hearts and pain for other then we will never get worried and when all will be worrying and sad so we will be standing among the people who will be supporting others and we will remain confidant in our life.So this is just good passion that many people just lack. I grow this passion in my heart few years ago when I just tried to learn. 

And when I just learn this so after this i never got worry in my life and now my life is always filled with the true love for the other humanity and now I have made my mind to love everybody and now i do not keep any jealous in my mind and in my heart so this give me pleasure and satisfaction so that is why I would like to give the message to all the international community of the world that just try to love all that is you can see.

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