
Monday 11 October 2021

How to fullfil yours childhood dream ?

This is the story that directly belongs to me as many many time in my dreaming i am really having the great fun so this is very interesting thing for me and i really enjoy this thing because sometime i am dreaming about that i am in the great palace and there are many of my servants are waiting for my orders and when i just give any order they are start moving to fulfill what i have announced in the palace in my dream. 

It is really very good fun for me that how i am facing all my dreams like the reality and some time i am dreaming that i have wings and i am flying like the birds and the birds are even afraid that how this human is flying like us and even in dream i am having the competition of flying with the birds. 

One can surely have fun while in his or her dreaming because with no money we can just enjoy the real life in our dreams. Only thing to fun in this is very simple and that is we have to make the some thoughts like this before going to our bed and then i am sure nothing can stop you to have fun in yours dreaming. 

The topic can come under the situation of personal fun because not many people love to sleep because there are surely character like me in the life who do not really love to sleep much because they have the many goals in their life so that is why they are always making their struggle in their life to attain what they actually want from their life. 

So only this fun can be enjoyed by the few people who just came in this world for sleeping and for eating and they do not do any good job in their life and their main focus is on sleeping and in fact they really enjoy their this habit and we can find such people in every society and we can also either adopt their nature and can enjoy the sleeping too or we may not. 

I have also observed that while driving a car or a bus if any of yours mate who is sitting on the front seat start dozing then you can not drive yours car so goodly and sooner or later you will also get sleepy so the people who find the fun in sleeping they really do not care about any body and wherever they get a chance they start sleeping.

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