
Saturday 19 December 2015

What is more efficient a trendy email or the old fashioned snail mail?

Now a days in this generation called the "touch generation" because everything is already operated by just a touch of a finger tip things becomes so fast and easy. More and more development in technology are coming up and people becomes more and more innovative trying to see how could things be done faster and faster. 

Everybody always wants things to really fast; fast food,fast car, fast access to everything, fast communication, etc. About five decades back you have to wait for days and even months before your letter be delivered and another same number of days to get your reply but now with the development of the electronic mail you can communicate to anyone around the world in just a matter of seconds as if the person is just in front of you. 

But, which is really more efficient, the trendy email or the old fashioned snail mail? Our answers may matter depending on our circumstances and the nature of the mail that we have in mind considering its purpose and sense of urgency. photo taken

Let us tackle this idea together.

Primarily email was created for business purposes and to facilitate mails that needs to be tackle as soon as possible and to make way to mails that needs emergency attention. In this case it is just correct to use email when you are to send mails regarding business and of of course letter that needs urgent attention such as emergency cases of death, sickness and needs. But if you want to send someone a greeting for her birthday, thanksgiving or Christmas or to share your experiences of a trip majority would appreciate better the old fashioned mailed cards and postcards. 

The greeting is more felt and more special if effort is present. A thought is better heard when there is a tangible evidence. The posted mail is more personal than the email or the regards that we just click to send. After all birthdays, anniversaries, and holiday celebrations such as Christmas and Thanksgiving are happening that you can really for see throughout the year. 

They are permanent celebration therefore there is no excuse of forgetting or being caught in a surprise which are common excuses of not being able to greet. Let's just put it this way " The person who really care will never forget a day that he/she knows is very meaningful to the other person and always he/ she would want to celebrate that special day with him/her". Indeed forgetfulness is never an excuse because the person who loves really will never forget the person whom he loves because his first thought would be for that person.

Christmas is just peeping around the corner why dont you start putting live back those old yet memorable way of greeting that really shows your great desire and spells your care. Why not start sending Christmas cards to your friends now? Its not yet too late because nothing is too late ..

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