
Sunday 27 December 2015

How can a man reach perfection?

A normal human being would normally seek perfection in every aspect of life. Perfection in ones work, perfection in ones carrier, a perfect house to live in, a perfect partner to be with, a perfect relationship, we want everything to be perfect.

But how can we be perfect ourselves? You might throw me back a question , Can a human being be really perfect because we always hear the slogan " Nobody is perfect"? Indeed it is true that nobody is perfect in this world.

Each being has his own goodness and also defects. We can not deny this fact. Many people would just allow themselves be left in this ideology and make it into an excuse of their lack of perseverance in seeking perfection.

You'll say , how can perfection be attained then if all of us have our own defects? In this case I want to share to you a story, this is a little childish but like any other fairy tale stories that we hear in our childhood days we could also get a very good lesson in this.

Being simple means to be what you are and who you are and not to show of what you are not. That little crack in your personality and in your appearance, you can convert that into a good point in you. Turn your imperfections into a perfection by being simple.

It is true reality of this world that the words of kindness may bring many of our opposite towards kind and gentle attitude of affection towards us. So being a good human being we must be polite and respective in our speaking because harsh words can only create the distance and can separated us from our dear ones but the affectionate words can make our life so smooth and good.

It is famous maxim that good tongue may lead our destiny towards the crown and throne of this world and on contrary to this if we have hard speaking in our life then we will be left behind and no one would love to sit close to us because according to my personal experience people will just bear you for some specific time and after that no one will stand beside you. So determine today that you will always be kind and soft with yours fellow human being in order to bring the more charms and beauty in yours life.

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