
Tuesday 12 October 2021

How to learn to never give up in life ?

There is a book and this even came up as a movie which is in titled "Stop the world and I will go down". Its funny to think that some people has this very same ideology in life. Can we stop? 

This era , t- shirts with word prints are very in fashion,there are various styles and prints that comes out from the market but the most commonly worn t-shirts are those that says "NEVER GIVE UP". What a beautiful reminder to those who are emotionally down and to those who are tired of struggling in life! Never give up indeed. 

As Mr. Max Herman in his poem " Desiderata" says " you are a child of the universe no less than the tress and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you,no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should". Life is like a vehicle where it continue to go round and round in order to make the car move. 

There are times that we are on top and sometimes we have to be below but we should not stop the struggle. Once the tired stops turning the whole vehicle stops too of course. This is choice of life goes, there are ups and there are down but if you never stop you won't even feel that your down. 

Like the car when the tires runs smoothly the whole trip is also smooth. And never think its just you,everyone else are experiencing difficulties in life,they also have ups and downs because only crazy people does not experience such this. 

Keep peace in your soul whatever your worries and problems are. Nothing is permanent in this world, as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west our problems also vanishes. It is a beautiful world. Be thankful you can enjoy it to your hearts content unlike the plants and the animals,they never know how beautiful the world is. Be happy.

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