
Tuesday 12 October 2021

How to get married happily and avoid misery in life ?

Our lives are characterized by tension, if we are not busy chasing deals we are in a situation where happiness is the last thing to think about. This is a sad state of affairs, if we want to lead a quality life we should pursue happiness, it can be difficult given the nature of the world we living in but a little bit of trying will get us there. 

Indulging yourself into a healthy and sincere relationship with others is the begging of happiness, when you care about others there are high chances that this will be replicated therefore adding flavor into our lives. 

Fall in love and also love; you will be one of the happiest folks in the world. In life we should endlessly be in pursuit of happiness, doing things that excite us, being nice to others and above all reciprocating the love. 

When we surround ourselves with people who are happy, they will infect us with happiness adding value into our lives, on the other hand when those around us are unhappy there is likely to be a similar effect.

Would you rather stay single and lonely or get married and later miserable? This is a question that many ask themselves, the answer to this question depends on how you look at life. It is possible to be single and happy and at the same time happily married, it all depends on the choices that you make. 

If you choose to be single, make sure you pursue happiness, through this you will not even realize that you are single. Surround yourself with people who make you happy, those that value and respect your choice of being single. 

If you have chosen to marry, make sure you are not doing it out of pressure, some enter into marriage life due to pressure, their biological clock is ticking and they have not had children or have not brought a woman home. If you do it out of pressure chances are you will compromise happiness in order to make your marriage work. 

Instead marry for love, pursue happiness, make your spouse happy, care for your family and you will be married and happy. You have the power to shape your destiny, if you opt to be single did it for a reason, it should not be out pressure as at the end of the day you will retreat to your house and face the reality. 

It should be something that you have decided as an individual, otherwise allowing others to make such an important decision will only make your life miserable.

We should try to make a difference in others life but do not try so hard such that you are affected, if you have tried to make others happy and its not working, at least you can say you tried, your life matters more than anything else therefore do not be afraid to pursue happiness, that’s the only way you can guarantee quality.

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