
Wednesday 29 September 2021

How to grow true relationship in faith trust and loyalty ?

This is the post which I am just going to dedicate to all those lucky people worldwide who have got their true love in this life. As for my personal life experience is concerned so I would say that there was someone who is no more in my life. 

No doubt we made so many promises and swears of each other that usually people do in the flow of love but yet it appeared to us that we were never destined to be united. 

Well today I am happy although we have been departed from each other for the sake of the life which God has given me. 

So through this post I just want to ask the all the audience of the world the what do you believe in is true love can be achieved or not in this world ?

Well not only by my experience but also reading about the elders I have come to know on this conclusion that true love can never be gotton in this love as John Donner a English poet says that no one can ever found the loyal woman because if you will say you have found someone so before you find her loyal with you she might have deceived to more than one and two person already. According John every person must have loved someone in his or her life and that can never be forgotton. So what do you say about this? photo credit

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