
Tuesday 6 November 2018

How to learn the two famous personality of humane ?

This kind of such people who are always in hurry and we can easily come to know them because they are always very much reactive and they always ready to fight with other people and they are never calm they always speak loudly and they always become the cause of tension and troubles for others and they are always involve in the activity that gives pain to others.

They would love to laugh at the humanity instead of laughing with the humanity. This kind of people is really big hindrance in the development of society as we as for the people who are facing them in the life.

So they must have to make themselves positive and they have to play the good role in the society. Because when we make the sudden reaction about anything so that is really harmful for us.

I know how to deal in with others and how to speak and how to react in some situation. If you also have attended some kind of this training then share yours view about that also but let me share two main things below that are the main things to understand the whole development of human personalities.

More than ten years back in my college life I got a chance to attend the training workshop for the human development in which we discussed and learn many things about the development of the human personality and also we indicate the various good and dark aspect from the human life and how we behave on the different occasion in our life and what are the sure ways to develop the human personality?

These were some question that were discussed and learn by the people who attended this training workshop there. As we know that face the human always got change with the time and there are always many improvements and many lacks remain walking with the age of the people.

We also study and learn that how we should speak and how we should react according to some situation and what are the sure ways to remain calm and lead a life peacefully.

Well this was really a memorable training program and the beautiful thing is that that I still remember every word that was once taught to us by our trainer over there and I am just following all those points still in my life and that really given me so much ease in my life and I am happy and sometime I feel so lucky that I got that opportunity to get the good stuff about the human development training in my life.

First of all we should understand the first category of the human that there are some people who are always so proactive mean they are always peaceful and calm and cool also and they just speak so slowly.

Proactive people are goodly and they are always helping others and ready to sacrifice for others and they never get angry instead they have the deep understanding and they always positively behave with the other people and they always make the good talks.

They always talk politely and they always play the good role in the society and in the place where they are living and they are always cause of happiness for others and they are also very supportive for others.

For development and for leading a good life we must have to be added ourselves in this category.

These are the people who trust in themselves and the are even ready to face the challenges of life so they ready to face and struggle in life. They do not believe in luck and fate. They trust to change their fate by their struggle and efforts. They are always progress and they are also very much active as they do not walk like the beaten track in life they always find their own ways of success in life. 

Powerful fate and everything is planned by the master of the whole world. The people who keep on making the efforts in life they really get somehow the success in the life as it is said that all those who work hard will surely taste the good fruit but the people who do not make any efforts they are always left behind in this life so for making the great success in this life one must keep on making the great struggle in this life as this is the only way to get progressed in this world. 

I hope you will like this motivational topic. Today i was thinking about the subject I am going to share with my all fellow here that if we are always talking more and more than this thing just devalue us in front of public because when public just met someone to whom they know well so they do not get the enough attractions towards that personality but If you something they have never heard about and talked about so no one will ever devalue you because everything that is hidden has worth more and more so many realize this thing and many will not. 

This thought came into my mind because I have experience this thing in my life because people do not pay attention if they have already heard much about you because they will simply say before you speaking that we know very well about this man or woman who is going to speak about. 

So this is in our hand what to do and what to not whether we want to devalue our self in front of the public or we want to give value in front of the public so we must learn the rule of life that is silence is gold and less speaking bring less trials.

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