
Monday 29 June 2015

How to learn and walk with modern life ?

With advancement of the life people of today are just looking like more machine and less human and with the more coming time of technology we are always more and more dependent on the machinery instead of human relationship but one must have to keep in mind that the seven wonders of the world were never created by the machines but by the hard work of the people and by the mastery and skill of the human hand. 

In my own city of Pakistan I have two historical fort and they are basically belong to the Royal family of Nawab Sadiq khan five. If you ever get a chance to visit these two fort then you will be totally surprised to see the great wonder of the human hands that they did many years ago when they just built these two fort and it is said that time when they made these two fort that time no latest technology was ever invented and they just did hard work on their own. 

The walls are very high and wide one. After watching the beauty of this fort no one can ever imagine that these are work of humans. We should just always remember one thing that the technology where is can give us so easy life we must have not to ignored the side effects of this technology because the man power is always great and partially demanded in human life. 

I believe that it is human who can just share their sorrow and happiness with each other and they have the very deep and great relationship that can never faded away till this world is existed. So we should always keep this thing in our mind that we are not robot have emotions and we to walk in this life.

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