
Tuesday 9 June 2015

How to praise God in most good way ?

Praising God is such a nice act which the modern world is not paying attention too much because many human think that they are always independent to choose and do the things according to their own taste.

But my question is here that when we human can create other human then we must have to understand the strange deeds of God who is the creator of this beautiful life and the universe.

The one who created all this is so much powerful and He is only there to control every deed on heaven and also on earth. If we just try to study the base of the humanity then we will find that how much great deeds God has done for our life and how much blessing God has given to us to lead a better life and with all the happiness.

But we human sometime become the not Thanksgiving and keep on making the complainant in our life and that is so negative attitude and some time when some thing good happen in our life then we are ready to remember the God and His strange tasks in our life. photo credit

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